gay parents, gay dads, lgbt

Gay parents: Girl’s sweet video says all you need to know

Gay parents might be a fairly new topic — or, at least, it might seem new to anyone over 30 or so. But every story changes depending on who’s telling it and who’s hearing it. Sometimes what seems like a new element to some people is just another part of reality for others. Consider Sophie[…]

short story, bella, flowers

Little girl’s perfect short story will make you smile

Here’s a short story that can help all writers in our search for content. My friend Evelyn Amaya Ortega posted this photo of her 8-year-old, Bella, on Instagram and Facebook with the following caption. She planted the seeds. She waited patiently all summer as the plants grew… And grew… Getting taller and taller. This week, the flowers bloomed. #Happy[…]